Kishibe Midori is a 25-year-old woman who works in the editorial department of a fashion magazine that belongs to a large publishing company. However, the fashion magazine was cancelled by its parent company. Kishibe Midori then gets transferred to the editing department for a dictionary. What awaits Kishibe Midori is that there are people filled with personality, including the head of the editorial department, Majime Mitsuya. Initially, Kishibe Midori had a hard time in her new workplace.
As time goes by, she becomes inspired by the persistence and enthusiasm of those who work around her. They have spent over a decade working on one dictionary. Kishibe Midori finds attractiveness in the words she works with. She also develops pride and self-fulfilment over her work.
(Source: AsianWiki)
~~ Adapted from the novel "Fune wo Amu" by Shion Miura.